A Look into the Future of HackingThis article is part of a series. Check out the full series: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7 and Part 8!You can also read this article in Русский, Tiếng Việt or 한국어.Almost as long as programmers have been writing computer programs, computer hackers have been figuring out ways to exploit those programs. Malicious hackers take advantage of the tiniest bugs in programs to break into systems, steal data and generally wreak havoc.100% Real Hackers™But systems powered by deep learning algorithms should be safe from human interference, right? How is a hacker going to get past a neural network trained on terabytes of data?It turns out that even the most advanced deep neural networks can be easily fooled. With a few tricks, you can force them into predicting whatever result you want:I modified this cat picture so it would be recognized as a toaster.So before you launch a new system powered by deep neural networks, let's learn exactly how to break them and what you can do to protect yourself from attackers.
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