Let's hack the world's most popular Wordpress CAPTCHA Plug-inEveryone hates CAPTCHAs — those annoying images that contain text you have to type in before you can access a website. CAPTCHAs were designed to prevent computers from automatically filling out forms by verifying that you are a real person. But with the rise of deep learning and computer vision, they can now often be defeated easily.I've been reading the excellent book Deep Learning for Computer Vision with Python by Adrian Rosebrock. In the book, Adrian walks through how he bypassed the CAPTCHA on the E-ZPass New York website using machine learning:Adrian didn't have access to the source code of the application generating the CAPTCHA image. To break the system, he had to download hundreds of example images and manually solve them to train his system.But what if we want to break an open source CAPTCHA system where we do have access to the source code?I went to the WordPress.org Plugin Registry and searched for "captcha". The top result is called "Really Simple CAPTCHA" and has over 1 million active installations:And best of all, it comes with source! Since we'll have the source code that generates the CAPTCHAs, this should be pretty easy to break.

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