How do I Rank my gig on Fiverr ?

1- Title & Tags:

Here is what you can do to get started.
1. First, choose your Keyword for the category you want to create a Gig for.
2. Search on Fiverr and make sure that the results are sorted by “Relevance“.
3. Open the Gigs that are on Top (choose at-least five).
4. Write the title of all five Gigs in a notepad.
5. Write Tags by copying from all gigs in notepad.
6. Notice what is the common thing/element in all of those Titles.
7. Repeat the process for ‘Tags‘
(Shortlist five best/most used/common tags and you will get a shortlisted Tags and Titles list)
8. After the analysis is done, now carefully create your own Title.
9. Select your category, subcategory.
10. Now it comes to Tags. Write the Tags that you have shortlisted above. There is no need to change anything here, do not re-invent the wheel. The idea is to pick the footprints of successful Gigs and reproduce.
Click on Save & Continue. You have completed the basic but most important phase.

2- Packages:

1. Again, search your Main Keyword on Fiverr.
2. This time make sure that the results are sorted by “Best Selling“.
3. Open 10 random Gigs.
4. Read their Packages thoroughly and carefully.
5. Analyse what is the common thing in all of those packages.
6. Pick those elements, reproduce it and also reproduce similar “Extras”
7. In short, Create Packages by looking at those successful Gigs that are already doing well on Fiverr.

3- Description:

My recommendation for Gig “Description” is as follows:
1. The first line will contain my main Keyword. I would typically adjust it and write in my own way.
2. In a new paragraph, I write what I will do basically – Very short answer and a previous result of a project.’
3. In a new paragraph, “Call To Action“, I will ask a question and provide a path for the buyer to reach out to me. It is very important.
4. Need to describe my working structure, how I work, and then an irresistible offer.
5. A detailed explanation of my service (key points should be in bullets)
6. Reasons to choose me. The ‘Why‘ is very important in attracting a view on the Gig.
7. What will the client get in the delivery?. Source files etc.

4- Images/Videos:

Whatever you have done for point number 2, repeat this for images. The images used in a Gig should be nicely created, eye catchy, attractive. An attractive image attracts the clients and they click on your thumbnail. So an attractive, nice looking thumbnail is a key here.
In the Gig, the importance of video cannot be ignored. If you look at success patron of high ordered Gigs, you will observe they have videos, well, most of them do.

5- Promote Your Videos:

Now that you have created your Gig, one important step is to promote is in your social media. I would suggest using Facebook page, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn. These platforms let you make a public post (FREE) and use hashtags to reach out to different categories, for example, if you are a content writer, you can use #writer or if you are a graphic designer, use #graphicdesign.
The best way to chose a hashtag is, type in # and then write a word i.e graphic. The platform will automatically give you all suggestions related to that keyword. Pick the one you feel fits best and use it.
In the post, use the link of your Gig. I would advise you to shorten the URL, many websites offer this free service. Use a nice image, write a little story about your service, use hashtags and publish. You will see the difference in your Gig views within a few days.