Zones and change detection are an important part of Angular 2, and so it is important to our Ionic 2 application. I figured I understood what was happening at a surface level with change detection, but didn't really "get it". I decided to do a deep dive into some research to try and clarify my understanding, and this article is my attempt at summarising what I discovered by reading lots of articles by people smarter than me. This article aims to provide a simple introduction to Zones, and how they are important to change detection in Angular 2 and Ionic 2. What is Change Detection? Pascal Precht describes the task of change detection eloquently here: The basic task of change detection is to take the internal state of a program and make it somehow visible to the user interface. Another name for change detection is "dirty checking". Compared to Angular 1, change detection in Angular 2 seems like magic. Generally, something changes and Angular 2 just somehow knows about it and updates the view accordingly.
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