Throughout your adventures in web and mobile development, you may have heard of the MEAN stack, which (aside from sounding pretty badass) stands for MongoDB, Express.js, Angular, and Node.js. All of these technologies work together to allow you to create an application with a frontend and a backend. In this tutorial we will be creating a simple review application in Ionic 2 powered by the MEAN stack. In a previous tutorial, An Introduction to NoSQL for HTML5 Mobile Developers, we covered how to get up an running with MongoDB, and now we'll be looking at how to make use of it in a real life scenario. I'd recommend reading that tutorial if you aren't already familiar with MongoDB (it gives some background into NoSQL in general, as well as MongoDB) but I will be covering the steps for getting set up in this tutorial as well so it isn't required. This is what the app will look like when it's done: and this is how we will be using the MEAN stack for this tutorial: MongoDB will be our NoSQL database, which we will use to store and retrieve reviews Express will allow us to create routes for the REST API we will be creating Ionic 2 will be used rather than Angular 2 for the front end of the application (I guess making this the MEIN stack) Node will be our server, which will sit between the frontend of the application and the MongoDB database This tutorial has been created with the help of these great resources, with bits and pieces being borrowed from each one, so if you're looking for some more reading I'd recommend checking them out: Getting Started with the MEAN stack An End to End Hybrid App Creating a Single Page Todo App with Node and Angular Before we Get Started Before you go through this tutorial, you should have at least a basic understanding of Ionic 2 concepts.

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