The blockchain technology is being adopted or, at the very least, considered for adoption by a growing number of industries, as confirmed by Deloitte's 2018 reportHowever, at this stage, the lack of interoperability between blockchains and the absence of friendly UI results in low user adoption, which is detrimental to the growth of the blockchain industry.Currently, crypto speculators are the main active users of blockchain technology despite the growing numbers of blockchain offering practical solutions in a myriad of domains, encompassing almost all aspects of life, from banking and financial, legal, voting, health, insurance, supply lines, e-retailing, ecology, digital rights, real estate and many more.Unfortunately, at this stage, blockchains operate mainly in individual bell jars, each one in its corner. Though the logic of focusing on developing the best blockchain for the field and thus conquer the market makes sense in the current business world based on the rule of major corporations, it is ill-suited for the blockchain decentralized underlying philosophy and deters from mass adoption.
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