Welcome, Data School students! If you're interested in the exciting world of data science, but don't know where to start, Data School is here to help. Step 0: Figure out what you need to learn Step 1: Get comfortable with Python Step 2: Learn data analysis, manipulation, and visualization with pandas Step 3: Learn machine learning with scikit-learn Step 4: Understand machine learning in more depth Step 5: Keep learning and practicing Bonus: Join Data School (for free!) Step 0: Figure out what you need to learn Data science can be an overwhelming field. Many people will tell you that you can't become a data scientist until you master the following: statistics, linear algebra, calculus, programming, databases, distributed computing, machine learning, visualization, experimental design, clustering, deep learning, natural language processing, and more. That's simply not true. So, what exactly is data science? It's the process of asking interesting questions, and then answering those questions using data.
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