Abstract How is microservices different from traditional services deployed on middleware platforms (ESBs, application servers)? What is the microservices architecture pattern and what problems does it solve? This article will talk about all these important topics and describe how to administer, manage, and scale microservices. Microservices Overview Microservices is an architecture pattern that structures the application as a composition of loosely-coupled services that are not just logically separated, but are also physically separated at runtime. Microservices are lightweight autonomous components that are fine grained. It enables parallel development, testing and independent deployment. It enables continuous integration, delivery, and deployment. Each microservice can be scaled individually which brings efficient usage of compute and enables efficient and easy elastic scalability. It breaks the runtime monolithic architecture and prevents a single point of failure.
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microservices,soa,containers,esb,software architecture,middleware,scaling
microservices,soa,containers,esb,software architecture,middleware,scaling