An ingest pattern that we commonly see being adopted at Cloudera customers is Apache Spark Streaming applications which read data from Kafka. Streaming data continuously from Kafka has many benefits such as having the capability to gather insights faster. However, users must take into consideration management of Kafka offsets in order to recover their streaming application from failures. In this post, we will provide an overview of Offset Management and following topics. Storing offsets in external data stores Checkpoints HBase ZooKeeper Kafka Not managing offsets Overview of Offset Management Spark Streaming integration with Kafka allows users to read messages from a single Kafka topic or multiple Kafka topics. Read more The post Offset Management For Apache Kafka With Apache Spark Streaming appeared first on Cloudera Engineering Blog.

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CDH,Kafka,Spark,checkpointing,commitasync,data lifecycle,failure,offset management,recover,reliability,spark,spark streaming