"An intricate gold and blue carved ceiling at a church in Siena" by David Siglin on UnsplashConstructor PatternIn classical object-oriented programming languages, a constructor is a special method used to initialize a newly created object once memory has been allocated for it. In JavaScript, as almost everything is an object, we're most often interested in object constructors.Object constructors are used to create specific types of objects — both preparing the object for use and accepting arguments which a constructor can use to set the values of member properties and methods when the object is first created.Object Creation2. Basic Constructorshttps://medium.com/media/450fd7dbca33109f2a2d65f0ca8d2943/href3. Constructor with prototypes.Module PatternThe Module pattern was originally defined as a way to provide both private and public encapsulation for classes in conventional software engineering.In JavaScript, the Module pattern is used to further emulate the concept of classes in such a way that we're able to include both public/private methods and variables inside a single object, thus shielding particular parts from the global scope.

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