We all constantly hear talks about the impact that IoT is having and will have in different areas of our lives and in the production systems. But, what is IoT? Simply speaking, it is a world of connected objects that talk to each other to exchange information. Going a little deeper into the IoT ecosystem, we can identify several elements that usually build an IoT system. There are not only smart objects, but there are also gateways, sensors, and IoT cloud platforms that enable us to create dashboards and analyze the data. The interesting aspects of the Internet of Things are the possibility to explore this world by ourselves. Lately, we are noticing the birth of several IoT development boards that have different features. Starting with Arduino and Raspberry to ESP8266, Particle, NXP, and, lately, Android Things, all these development boards help us to take the first steps towards an IoT ecosystem. Moreover, the explosion of the prototyping kits that brings together IoT boards, sensors,...
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