Unlock the pathway to data-driven visualizationsThe content for this post has been contributed by Quincy Smith, who is a part of the marketing team at Springboard an online training company seeking to bridge the world's skills gap in various domains. They make industry-focused and mentor-led courses like the Data Science Bootcamp and Cybersecurity Career Track.Credit: https://d3js.org/Interactive visualizations can add an impressive oomph to plain and boring datasets. The main characteristic of interactive data is in its use as an application on its own. It allows users to select specific data points to visualize the story in the way they choose. One of the most powerful ways to accomplish this is through JavaScript, or more specifically, the D3.js framework.Developed by Mike Bostock, D3 (data-driven documents) is an open-source JavaScript library that makes use of SVG, HTML, and CSS to create powerful visual representations of data that bring it to life. Let's look at an example of an interesting and interactive visualization powered by D3.

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