We came up with an idea for a dating site and an initial model in Part One. Next, we are going to work on a back end HTTP API, because I'm old school and that's the way I like it. We will build our HTTP API right into Neo4j using an extension which turns Neo4j from a Server into a Service. Unlike last time where we wrote a clone of Twitter, I don't really know where I'm going with this, so let's start with some of the obvious API endpoints and then we can design and build more as we go along. Is this Agile or am I just being an idiot? I can't tell, so onward we go. First obvious thing is, we need a schema. Luckily Neo4j is a "Schema Optional" database so we don't have to worry about designing any tables or properties or figuring out what kind of properties each table will have. Because… well, we don't have tables. The only real schema we need to worry about are Constraints and Indexes. For example, we don't want two users to have the same username or same email, so we will create a uniqueness constraint on those Label-Property combinations.
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This article is related to
database,tutorial,neo4j,graph database,dating site,endpoint
database,tutorial,neo4j,graph database,dating site,endpoint