Breaking Into IT and Tech as a Beginner I got an email from a person frustrated that he can't get an entry-level job in IT/tech. He knows PHP, HTML, CSS and MySQL, but he is tired of all the companies rejecting him and requiring a "perfect" expert (as he put it). That's true that there are not that many entry-level jobs in tech. It's hard break into tech. Most companies only interview senior engineers with at least five (5) years of industry experience. The reason why most companies want to hire an expert developer, instead of an entry-level person, is that the productivity of software developers is not linear. To put it differently, for a relatively small increase in the salary that the company must pay for an expert, the company will get 5x or even 10x more in productivity. It sounds weird and unfair but that's how information economy works. My anecdotal experience supports it. I seen many situation when a beginner would spent a few hours on some configuration issue that is just a single line of code.

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