Introduction As companies strive to implement modern solutions based on deep learning frameworks, there is a need to deploy it on existing hardware infrastructure in a scalable and distributed manner comes to the fore. Recognizing this need, Cloudera's and Intel's Big Data Technologies engineering teams jointly detail Intel's BigDL Apache Spark deep learning library on the latest release of Cloudera's Data Science Workbench. This collaborative effort allows customers to build new deep learning applications with BigDL Spark Library by leveraging their existing homogeneous compute capacity of Xeon servers running Cloudera's Enterprise without having to invest in expensive GPU farms and bringing up parallel frameworks such as TensorFlow or Caffe. Read more The post BigDL on CDH and Cloudera Data Science Workbench appeared first on Cloudera Engineering Blog.

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CDH,How-to,Spark,BigDL,Cloudera Data Science Workbench,Deep Learning,Intel