With the multifold increase in processor performance as well as number of processor cores in a system, software systems are expected to scale horizontally with system hardware. However, software systems have the tough job of working with disparate systems that work at their own speeds (e.g. Network latency, Disk latencies, peripheral device latency and so on). So if we are building a system that does things synchronously, our throughput is always going to be limited by the slowest system in the chain. Thus, the ability of our software to initiate a task and do something else till that task completes, goes a long way to ensure we don't 'bottleneck' or 'wait doing nothing' on a slowly running component. Rowan Miller had an excellent analogy of Async tasks to waiters at a restaurant, in his TechEd NA (2013) talk. To paraphrase – A system working asynchronously is like a waiter at a restaurant. More often than not, a waiter serving a table will be at Table 1, take an order, explain a menu item, deliver an order and then move away, free to do the same at Table 2. When Table 1 is done (deciding the order, requiring a refill, requesting the check) they will draw the waiter's attention and the waiter would come back to Table 1 as soon as they become available (or immediately if they are available). This mechanism of one waiter serving multiple tables ensures that you don't need as many waiters as the number of tables, to maintain optimal performance (in case of restaurant – experience). If we consider a computation unit (CPU + Coprocessors + Cache + System Bus etc.) to be a waiter serving customers, then async operations is the way to make sure that they don't waste time waiting while the customer decides what to order.
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C#,.NET,Architect,Intermediate,WebAPIs,MVC,MVC5,WebAPIs,Async,Performance,.Net,Articles,Computer Tutorials
C#,.NET,Architect,Intermediate,WebAPIs,MVC,MVC5,WebAPIs,Async,Performance,.Net,Articles,Computer Tutorials