DRY - Don't Repeat Yourself! is one of the main ideas of a good developer while developing a software. We're trying to implement it from simple methods to classes and modules. What about developing a new web based application? We, software developers, have similar needs when developing enterprise web applications. Enterprise web applications need login pages, user/role management infrastructure, user/application setting management, localization and so on. Also, a high quality and large scale software implements best practices such as Layered Architecture, Domain Driven Design (DDD), Dependency Injection (DI). Also, we use tools for Object-Releational Mapping (ORM), Database Migrations, Logging... etc. When it comes to the User Interface (UI), it's not much different. Starting a new enterprise web application is a hard work. Since all applications need some common tasks, we're repeating ourselves. Many companies are developing their own Application Frameworks or Libraries for such common tasks to do not re-develop same things. Others are copying some parts of existing applications and preparing a start point for their new application. First approach is pretty good if your company is big enough and has time to develop such a framework. As a software architect, I also developed such a framework im my company. But, there is some point it feels me bad: Many company repeats same tasks. What if we can share more, repeat less? What if DRY principle is implemented universally instead of per project or per company? It sounds utopian, but I think there may be a starting point for that!
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C#,.NET,Architect,Intermediate,VS2010,.Net,Articles,Computer Tutorials, ASP.Net,ASP.NET Boilerplate