In this series you'll learn about Android development from the beginning. In the first section we setup the Android SDK and Eclipse. In this part we will acquaint ourselves with the Eclipse software. Eclipse is an IDE (Integrated Development Environment) for Java. Together with the ADT (Android Developer Tools) plugin, Eclipse provides an environment in which you can build, code, design, and run Android apps. We will learn more about Eclipse throughout the series, but in this tutorial we will explore the basic features of the Eclipse user interface so that you know your way around before we start developing. At the time of writing this tutorial, Eclipse is the officially supported IDE for Android, but be aware that this is set to change with the new Android Studio program. We will look at Android Studio in the next tutorial, but it's only available as an early access preview at the moment, so you should initially focus on Eclipse for your Android development projects.
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Android, Android Development, Android Resources, Android Samples,Mobile Development Tutorials,Mobile Developments
Android, Android Development, Android Resources, Android Samples,Mobile Development Tutorials,Mobile Developments