With the increasing updates of Panda algorithm, the major search engine Google has had more effective in its quest for sites of low amount and poor quality content with the intention of penalizing them. That is completely right of minimal websites where pictures abound due to the content which is barely any to be found. Unfortunately, websites that have not much content for users, above the page fold, are also sorted with minimalist sites by almost every search engine. Websites which's content is plagiarized and is found on web; is also under continuous penalties or possibly may result in ban of the website by the major search engine Google. So, how to avoid the mistakes & prevent your site from being attacked by these Google algorithms, we've sorted some important or just simple tips for you, which can help you to determine the future of your site.

I guess you came to this post by searching similar kind of issues in any of the search engine and hope that this resolved your problem. If you find this tips useful, just drop a line below and share the link to others and who knows they might find it useful too.

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Articles,Computer Tutorials,Google,Google Adsense,Google Panda,Google Penguin,Blogging