Today iOS Development Resources, Articles, Tutorials and Open Sources

1. Awesome Easy To Use Key/Value Store With Automatic Disk And Memory Caching

A very cool Objective-C object caching library from Tumblr that works with any NSCoding compliant object. Automatically caches the object in memory/disk and automatically purges the memory cache when necessary.

You can find TMCache on Github here.

A very cool project, and probably the most useful all around open source caching library I've seen.

2. Stylish Interactive Open Source iOS Day Picker Control

A great looking open source sliding iOS control for picking days.  Specify a range of days, and this will automatically create the picker.

You can find MZDayPicker on Github here.

A nice component if you're looking for a day picker.

3. Multi-Line Rich Text View Library With Clickable Links, Selectable Text And Twitter Style Demo

An open source library for creating multiline text views with rich text, clickable links, and selectable text.

You can find SETextView on Github here.

A nice and easy way for creating a rich text view that behaves like a native UITextView (at least without the scrolling).

4. Downloading And Displaying App Store Sales, Downloads And IAP's in The Status Board App

A set of scripts so that you can view automatically updating app store data within the Status Board app.

You can find Bomaab along with full install instructions on Github here.

If you've created, or come across any iOS developer resources that you'd like to share you can submit them in below comment section.

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iPad,iPhone,iPhone Resources,iPhone Articles,iPhone Development,iPhone Game Development,iPhone Turorial,Mobile Development Tutorials,Mobile Developments,Objective C