ApplicationBar on a windows phone, is to provide users of your app with quick access to the most commonly used tasks. For a mail app this would be refresh/new mail, for a photo app it might be like/unlike button, settings etc are common buttons that appear in an ApplicationBar . But then not always do we have them as static, and we would want to add/remove icons/menu items to that based on the applications current state.For example, you would want to add the like/unlike button only if the user is logged in, or even the settings icon would be only for logged in users. Whatever might be your scenario, if you are looking for to add/remove icons from the application bar from your code then this article is for you.
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</ span>C#,.NET,Intermediate,Advanced,VS2010,.Net,Articles,.Net Tutorials,C#,Mobile Development Tutorials,Mobile Developments,Window Phone Tutorials,WP7,WP8, MVVM, MVVM and ApplicationBar