Today iOS Development Resources, Articles, Tutorials and Open Sources
1. Open Source iOS Library For Making Twitter Bootstrap Style Buttons Integrated With FontAwesome Icons
A library allowing you to create Twitter bootstrap style buttons and also place FontAwesome icons within them if desired.

You can find the Font Awesome enhanced BButton library on Github here.
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1. Open Source iOS Library For Making Twitter Bootstrap Style Buttons Integrated With FontAwesome Icons
A library allowing you to create Twitter bootstrap style buttons and also place FontAwesome icons within them if desired.

You can find the Font Awesome enhanced BButton library on Github here.
A fantastic library for making great looking iconized buttons.
2. Open Source iOS Library For Creating Stylish Unobtrustive In App Alerts
A library providing a way to easily create good looking colorful Tweetbot style unobtrusive alerts.
You can find TSMessages on Github here.
A nice way to create unobtrusive alerts.
3. Tutorial: Creating A Great Looking Word Game With UIKIt
A tutorial showing how to create a great looking, smooth word game using UIKit with particle effects, animations, custom fonts, audio and more.
A fun way to learn some techniques that could be used to enhance many UIKit apps.
If you've created, or come across any iOS developer resources that you'd like to share you can submit them in below comment section.
Thanks for reading this.
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iPad,iPhone,iPhone Resources,iPhone Articles,iPhone Development,iPhone Game Development,iPhone Turorial,Mobile Development Tutorials,Mobile Developments,Objective C
iPad,iPhone,iPhone Resources,iPhone Articles,iPhone Development,iPhone Game Development,iPhone Turorial,Mobile Development Tutorials,Mobile Developments,Objective C