The notion of fragments was introduced in Android 3.0, API Level 11. Since then, the Android community has seen six major platform releases. Still, more than half of the active Android devices don't have this feature available to them natively. Developers must instead use the Android Support library if they are to use fragments with these devices. Learn how to create a basic fragment-based app using the Android Support library in this tutorial.
This tutorial is for the Android developer who needs to target the vast majority of Android devices currently in users' hands and wants to leverage the Fragment API, which simplifies support for a variety of screen sizes. You should be comfortable with Java, Eclipse, and be familiar with Android basics.
This tutorial is also for those who need more detailed instructions than what our other fragment tutorial gave or those who need a fresh take on fragments.
In order to fully see the effects and differences of a responsive, well-designed fragment screen design, you'll need two devices (or configured emulators): one with a regular phone-size screen and another with a tablet-sized screen.
Note that this code is based off the best-practices code created by the New Android Application wizard within Eclipse. The project can be downloaded and browsed at Google code hosting, as can the installable binary.
This tutorial is for the Android developer who needs to target the vast majority of Android devices currently in users' hands and wants to leverage the Fragment API, which simplifies support for a variety of screen sizes. You should be comfortable with Java, Eclipse, and be familiar with Android basics.
This tutorial is also for those who need more detailed instructions than what our other fragment tutorial gave or those who need a fresh take on fragments.
In order to fully see the effects and differences of a responsive, well-designed fragment screen design, you'll need two devices (or configured emulators): one with a regular phone-size screen and another with a tablet-sized screen.
Note that this code is based off the best-practices code created by the New Android Application wizard within Eclipse. The project can be downloaded and browsed at Google code hosting, as can the installable binary.
I guess you came to this post by searching similar kind of issues in any of the search engine and hope that this resolved your problem. If you find this tips useful, just drop a line below and share the link to others and who knows they might find it useful too.
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Android, Android Development, Android Resources, Android Samples,Mobile Development Tutorials,Mobile Developments
Android, Android Development, Android Resources, Android Samples,Mobile Development Tutorials,Mobile Developments