An Apple push notification module that works with Node.js.  This is a very easy way to send push notifications and Node.js works in so many environments.

You can find Node-APN by Andrew Naylor on Github here.

You can install Node-APN with the Node.js packet manager using:

npm install apn

You can find the Node.js homepage here.

A nice quick way to set up a push notification server well documented on the Github page.

2. Open Source iOS Control For Easily Creating Partial Views That Can Be Swiped In And Out
An open source control that allows you to easily make views that can be swiped in and out from a main view.

You can find the control RNSwipeViewController from Ryan Nystrom on Github here.

A nice straightforward control for making swipe in views.

3. Open Source iOS Control For Easily Making Discrete Informative Alert Views

An open source control for easily creating discrete alert views for those times when you want to convey information to the user in a subtle manner.

You can find the library KGDiscreetAlertView by David Keegan on Github here.

A great way to easily present information to the user without being too obtrusive.

4. Open Source: Collapsable Grouped TableView Library And Tutorial

An excellent open source control for creating collapsible table views.  A nicely polished responsive control with great accordion style animations.

You can find the library along with the tutorial on Codeproject here Reusable collapsable table view for iOS.

Very handy if you have a grouped table view that has gotten too long.

5.Free Companion Text For Free Stanford Beginner iOS Programming Course

For some time Stanford has had a free course for experienced developers new to the iOS platform teaching Objective-C, Xcode interface builder and Storyboards usage, and iOS SDK basics. Here's a new text that you can use with the course available free on iBooks.

You can find the course iBooks link on the home page here.

The book is very in depth with over 300 pages of material covering Objective-C, and iOS SDK basics.

I'm not sure if it's available worldwide, but if you're taking the Stanford course it should come in handy.

I guess you came to this post by searching similar kind of issues in any of the search engine and hope that this resolved your problem. If you find this tips useful, just drop a line below and share the link to others and who knows they might find it useful too.

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