Last day we discussed about "Silverlight Page Navigation Framework" where we understood the basic concept. We learnt how to add pages in the project from the template and the root of the page xaml. We also learnt about the assembly which we need to use to develop a navigation application using Silverlight.   Today in this post, we will discuss about Uri Mapping which will help you to implement the navigation application very easily. You will also be able to hide the actual Url of the page. We will discuss about each point in brief with a simple example continuing from previous post.   Designing the XAML Make sure that, you read my previous post "Silverlight Page Navigation Framework". We will use the same project here to demonstrate the use of this framework. First of all we need to change the UI of our main XAML page, so that, we will be able to navigate to the desired page. Open the MainPage.xaml and split it to two Rows. Insert a StackPanel in the first row and...