Expres­sion Blend for Win­dows Devel­oper Pre­view is a full-featured pro­fes­sional design tool for cre­at­ing dynamic and respon­sive apps that can be tai­lored to run on a wide vari­ety of hard­ware plat­forms such as PCs and tablets.

Expres­sion Blend for Win­dows Devel­oper Pre­view is a gate­way to app devel­op­ment for devel­op­ers whose focus is media and the web and who are flu­ent in web tech­nolo­gies, includ­ing HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

"A first look at Expres­sion Blend for Win­dows Devel­oper Pre­view" will help you to famil­iar­ize your­self with the Expres­sion Blend for Win­dows Devel­oper Pre­view workspace.


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