Windows Phone 7 (Mango) Tutorial - 4 - Application Bar

Application Bar is a tiny toolbar for your page to do some specific operation. Using this, you can easily add a toolbar for your application pages. It is a combination of 1-4 icon buttons and/or a collection of menu items.   In my previous post, we already discussed about the class. Today we will discuss more on this topic. We will also create a small demo application to showcase the use of ApplicationBar. Read to know more and don't forget to share your feedback.     Flash back to Application Bar Application Bar is a set of icon buttons and/or menu items, which provides easy access to application's most common tasks. It resides at the bottom of the phone screen. It can contain a row of 1-4 icon buttons for common tasks, a set of menu items to provide user easy access to the other specific actions. These menu items are displayed in a list just below the row of icon buttons. Generally menu items are not visible at the initial stage. There is a ellipsis at...

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