Windows Phone 7 (Mango) Tutorial - 3 - Know more about PhoneApplicationPage

In our last post of the series, we learned about the base class "Page" and Here in this post we will learn about "PhoneApplicationPage" which is root of any Windows Phone 7 page. Before jumping to the core in depth, a beginner must know all these things. As I am also exploring these for the first time, sharing the same knowledge with you.   I hope that, these series of posts will be helpful to a beginner. If you want to know more about PhoneApplicationPage class, read this post to learn about it.     What is PhoneApplicationPage? PhoneApplicationPage is the root of any Windows Phone 7 XAML page. If you already worked on Silverlight, you must be aware of that by default "UserControl" is the root of any Silverlight XAML page. Similarly, Phone 7 XAML has the root named "PhoneApplicationPage". As we described in our last post, every PhoneApplicationPage derives from "Page" which again derives from...

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