Many peoples start working with iPhone without knowing many things about it and later they find it difficult to get everything on board. So this tutorial is focused on getting "Hello World" application running on iPhone simulator.
10 Steps to create your hello world iPhone tutorial
You need following things before you start developing your hello world application in simulator:
- A MAC machine
- Specification of that machine is, it should have Intel processor with 10.5.7 or latest Leopard installed.
- Apple Developer Account ( which is free for everyone , you can register your self here) To get start with iPhone development you need to have iPhone SDK . To test the code on your device (iPhone) you need to buy a developer license which cost you 99$ or 299$ for enterprise. You have to follow these steps to get your first hello world application running on iPhone simulator. So this is your first hello world iPhone tutorial to get everything on your machine before you start developing big iPhone applications.
Step 1: After downloading the sdk and updating your mac os x to 10.5.7 leopard or above, you can install the sdk. If your mac is not updated to 10.5.7 at-least, you can install the xcode but not iphone development kit. (Look at 3rd picture, iPhone SDK check box should be enabled and bold)
Step 2: After installing the xcode please open "Macintosh HD" (finder) and then go to >Developer>Application>Xcode. Lunch it
Run Xcode after iPhone SDK installation
Step 3: To Start a new project in Xcode, click on Xcode from dock and select File>New Project.
Creating your first iPhone Application
Step 4: Select "View-Based Application" and click 'Choose'. Name it HelloWorld and click finish.
Selecting right chose for your first iPhone application
Give name to your iPhone application
Step 5: Click on "build and go", it will launch the iphone simulator and you will see a gray window.
First View of your files created by SDK
Build and GO button in iPhone SDK
Output of your hello world iPhone application
Step 6: Press the home button and you will see a white icon for hello world.
Home button in iPhone Simulator
Hello world iPhone application icon
Step 7: Open Xcode again and expend nib files inside Xcode Group and Files. Open the HelloWorldViewController.xib file.
Selecting nib (xib) file inside Xcode
Step 8: In interface build, Select View file and press cmd + 1 ( or click on Tools and select inspector) and change the background color to red.
Selecting view from Interface builder
Changing Background Color of your hello world example
Selecting color for your hello world iphone application
Step 9: Press cmd + shift + L ( or click on tools and select library) drag the text field inside View and name it "Hello World". Save this file.
Dragging label to your hello world iPhone tutorial View
Add label to your view
Changing text on the label
Step 10: Open the xcode again. In Xcode Click on build and go button. You will see our application running in iphone simulator.
Simple Hello world iPhone tutorial output