I'm currently going through a process of bringing together code and controls I've been using in the last few applications and compiling my own "toolkit". The idea will be a very opinionated way of building WP7 applications rather than a generic control library. Some parts will be controls like the "empty list box" discussed in this post and other parts will be extensions to the Caliburn.Micro MVVM framework for how I like to work.

The first control is an extension of the ListBox control to display certain content when there are no items in the list. It's a simple extension but most of the time we forget to add this functionality especially when we're dealing with lots of lists in our application.

The first thing we'll do is create our class ListBox (not the best name, but no other one like EmptyListBox suites, thankfully we have namespaces for conflicting names) obviously inheriting from the system ListBox, we'll had two dependency properties, EmptyContent and EmptyContentTemplate. This will allow two different ways of defining the content to display, much like Button or ContentControl.


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