In my experience, "fetching data via HTTP" is probably the second most common task that iOS applications perform after "displaying a list of things in a table". Since I wrote a recent post showing how I handle display in tables, showing my reusable classes for fetching via HTTP seemed like a reasonable follow up.
As with the post on UITableView
management, this post is all about trying to make the HTTP fetching, handling and processing as simple and reusable as possible.
What I hope to demonstrate is that even though the Cocoa API makes it look like you need to boltNSURLConnection
delegate methods onto your own classes every time you need a network connection, it doesn't mean that you actually need to do all this work every time you need a network connection. For the most common tasks like this, you should develop your own, reusable approaches that you like, that serve your needs and that make new code easier.
There are lots of alternative approaches around that demonstrate similar ideas. My implementation is a simple implementation compared to full frameworks (for a more thorough implementation along similar lines, you may want to look at RestKit). I hope you'll still be able to see the contrast compared to ad hoc solutions though, especially if you've ever jammed HTTP communication into your projects without thinking about keeping the interface clean and simple.
You can download the four classes discussed in this project:
HTTP connections in Cocoa
BSD sockets and CFHTTPStream
are generally too low level to use regularly. Unless your program requires meticulous control of the network layer, you probably want to use NSURLConnection
for handling HTTP fetching.
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