First and foremost avoid the below three things:- Avoid saying negative about your previous organization because that would send wrong message to the interviewer. Do not create a pessimistic image before the interviewer.On the contrary if you start with positive things like :- "The current company has no issues and I am extremely happy with the current environment but it's more of a personal problem etc etc…" that would create a very strong and positive image of yours. Avoid complaining about your current work profile like "It's a maintenance project, it's in 1.1 version and I am not learning anything new etc.". It's very much possible that the interviewer has a maintenance job. So in such kind of situation's I have seen the interviewer rejecting people irrespective even though if they have performed well in technical round. Avoid saying you are jumping only because of salary. Some of the interviewer's do not like people who just look at monetary benefits. When you are asked about salary expectation these things could be better discussed during that conversation.
I guess you came to this post by searching similar kind of issues in any of the search engine and hope that this resolved your problem. If you find this tips useful, just drop a line below and share the link to others and who knows they might find it useful too.
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Uncategorized,(Information technology) IT interview questions with answers,3 things to avoid in interviews,Csharp interview questions,how to answer to an interviewer,new job interview techniques,preparing for an interview,programming interview questions,things to avoid,tips for answering interview questions
Uncategorized,(Information technology) IT interview questions with answers,3 things to avoid in interviews,Csharp interview questions,how to answer to an interviewer,new job interview techniques,preparing for an interview,programming interview questions,things to avoid,tips for answering interview questions