1. Game Design Workshop: A Playcentric Approach to Creating Innovative Games" by Tracy Fullerton
2. The Art of Game Design: A Book of Lenses" by Jesse Schell
3. Game Engine Architecture" by Jason Gregory
4. Designing Games" by Tynan Sylvester
5. Challenges for Game Designers" by Brenda Brathwaite and Ian Schreiber
6. Game Feel: A Game Designer's Guide to Virtual Sensation" by Steve Swink
7. A Theory of Fun for Game Design" by Raph Koster
8. The Game Maker's Apprentice: Game Development for Beginners" by Mark Overmars and Jacob Habgood
9. Game Programming Patterns" by Robert Nystrom
10. The Game Animator's Guide to Maya" by Eric Allen and Kelly L. Murdock
These books cover a wide range of topics related to video game development, including game design, programming, animation, and more. They are all highly recommended for anyone interested in learning more about the process of creating video games.
Some tags that could be used to describe books on video games might include:
Video games
Game development
Game design
Game programming
Game animation
Game art
Game theory
Game mechanics
Game storytelling
Game production
Game testing
Game industry
Game culture
#Videogames #Gamedevelopment #Gamedesign #Gameprogramming #Gameanimation #Gameart #Gametheory #Gamemechanics #Gamestorytelling #Gameproduction #Gametesting #Gameindustry #Gameculture