A standard web services enables you to create some functions or procedures that returns or update data. The base idea is that you enable consumers to access these functions via web using HTTP protocol. This is base for the service-oriented architecture (SOA). However, the service oriented architecture has some drawbacks. You can never predict what kind of queries/services will be required by your consumers, therefore you will always need to add new services, add parameters or return values to existing services just because some consumer need something specific.     

Another approach is so called resource-oriented architecture (ROA) where you expose resources and enable users to run various ad-hoc queries against the resources. This is similar to the approach in the database systems where you have tables that represent data and ability to create various SQL queries. The only difference is that in ROA you create queries via URL. 

OData is a protocol that specifies characteristics of web services that exposes data. In this article I will show you what the OData protocol is, and how you can implement web services compliant to this protocol using the WCF Data Service technology.  In the following sections I will explain the following:
  • What is OData protocol and how you can query data using the URL
  • How you can create your own OData service using the WCF Data Services
  • How you can call OData services using the various tools and code samples

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