Entity Framework supports the relational database's one-to-many and many-to-many concepts. Usually, this topic isn't easy to explain very clearly and completely, particularly for people who don't have enough database knowledge. This article tries to fit all levels of readers by covering both basic database concept and the practical tips for Entity Framework's handling. If you are good enough on database, you can skip the database section. If you are good enough on Entity Framework, you can skip most of parts and read the conclusion and summary in the end first to see what you can get. This article is based on Entity Framework 4.0 ~ 4.3.1. Version 4.3.1 is the currently released version. Now let us review the basic relational database concepts first so that we can understand better the relevant feature in Entity Framework.

Main contents are...

Using The Code
Relationships In Database
Database Relationship Handling in Entity Framework
One-to-many Relationship Modeling in Entity Framework
Many-to-many Relationship Modeling in Entity Framework
Type I
Type II
Lazy Loading in Entity Framework
Ways to Enable Lazy Loading 
Load Navigation Properties Explicitly
Why Do We Need to Load explicitly if We Have Lazy Loading Feature?
Load a Subset of the Many-end Navigation Property From Database
Creation, Deletion and Edit in Entity Framework
The Entity-based Way
The Relationship-based Way
Type I Many-to-many
Type II Many-to-many
One-to-many Relationship
Type I Many-to-Many Relationship
Type II Many-to-Many Relationship
How Do We Know What Relationships Exist in Entity Framework?

Read More In Detail...

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