Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash"Tested React" is a series of guides to get people accustomed to testing components in React ecosystem. This series IS NOT about setting up testing environments for React — we will be using Create React App, Jest (comes with CRA), and Enzyme (needs to be installed and configured) for a nice interface to write tests to build and test our components. In this series, the goal is to help you build intuition on what to test in your React apps.Before we get into the guide, I want to say something. It is okay if your tests are bad. It is okay if your tests fail and need to updated for refactoring. If you are uncertain about the quality or scope of your tests (e.g when you start a new project), it is okay. Eventually, you will make your tests better. So, do not be scared of testing because you will get it wrong. Just like anything in development, with more experience and clearer scope, you will end up writing better tests.Now let's get to business.Install EnzymeTo install enzyme, we need to perform two actions.

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